News Agency:News
Statement of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the terrorist attacks in Kerman
Press Release
Statement of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran On the terrorist attacks in Kerman On Wednesday, January 3, 2024, terrorism showed its hideous face once again and following two terrorist explosions in Kerman, Southern Iran, 84 people, including children and women, were killed and more than 200 people were injured. This sinister terrorist incident is so deplorable and cowardly that many people and countries around the world, including the Dutch government, together with the European Union, promptly condemned it in the early hours. Undoubtedly, the occurrence of such unfortunate events provides an opportunity for global convergence regarding how to fight against the atrocious phenomenon of global terrorism. The Islamic Republic of Iran unequivocally condemns these terrorist acts, whose explicit aim is to destabilize Iran and spread insecurity in the region and the world. In this regard, the Islamic Republic of Iran, while conducting comprehensive investigations to identify and apprehend the perpetrators and masterminds of this heinous crime, is committed to utilizing all political, legal, and international mechanisms and capacities to hold accountable those responsible for orchestrating and carrying out these terrorist attacks. The assurance of pursuing justice for the victims of this incident remains a top priority.  
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